全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于外商投资企业和外国企业适用增值税、消费税、营业税等税收暂行条例的决定(附英文) 1993年12月29日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第五次会议通过
第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第五次会议审议了国务院关于提请审议外商投资企业和外国企业适用增值税、消费税、营业税等税收暂行条例的议案,为了统一税制,公平税负,改善我国的投资环境,适应建立和发展社会主义市场经济的需要,特作如下决定: 一、在有关税收法律制定以前,外商投资企业和外国企业自1994年1月1日起适用国务院发布的增值税暂行条例、消费税暂行条例和营业税暂行条例。1958年9月11日全国人民代表大会常务委员会第一百零一次会议原则通过、1958年9月13日国务院公布试行的《中华人民共和国工商统一税条例(草案)》同时废止。 中外合作开采海洋石油、天然气,按实物征收增值税,其税率和征收办法由国务院另行规定。 二、1993年12月31日前已批准设立的外商投资企业,由于依照本决定第一条的规定改征增值税、消费税、营业税而增加税负的,经企业申请,税务机关批准,在已批准的经营期限内,最长不超过五年,退还其因税负增加而多缴纳的税款;没有经营期限的,经企业申请,税务机 关批准,在最长不超过五年的期限内,退还其因税负增加而多缴纳的税款。具体办法由国务院规定。 三、除增值税、消费税、营业税外,其他税种对外商投资企业和外国企业的适用,法律有规定的,依照法律的规定执行;法律未作规定的,依照国务院的规定执行。 本决定所称外商投资企业,是指在中国境内设立的中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业和外资企业。 本决定所称外国企业,是指在中国境内设立机构、场所,从事生产、经营和虽未设立机构、场所,而有来源于中国境内所得的外国公司、企业和其他经济组织。 本决定自公布之日起施行。 RESOLUTIONS OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE OF THE NATIONAL PEOPLE'SCONGRESS REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF PROVISIONAL REGULATIONS ONVALUE-ADDED TAX, CONSUMPTION TAX, BUSINESS TAX, ETC., TO ENTERPRISES WITHFOREIGN INVESTMENT AND FOREIG N ENTERPRISES (Standing Committee, National People's Congress: 29 December 1993) Whole Doc. The Fifth Session of the Standing Committee Meeting of the Eighth National People's Congress has reviewed the proposals on the application of the provisional regulations of Value-Added Tax, Consumption Tax, Business Tax, etc., to enterprises with foreign investment and foreign enterprises submitted for examination and approval by the State Council. In order to unify the tax system, balance the tax burden, improve the investment environment of our Country, and cater for the need of establishing and developing the socialist market economy, the following resolutions were specifically made: 1. Before the relevant tax laws have been formulated, the Provisional Regulations on Value Added Tax, The Provisional Regulations on Consumption Tax and the Provisional Regulations on Business Tax promulgated by the State Council shall be applicable to enterprise with foreign investment and foreign enterprises with effect from January 1, 1994. The <Draft Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Industrial and Commercial Consolidated Tax> adopted in principle at the 101st Session of the Standing committee Meeting of the National People's Congress on September 11, 1958 and promulgated for trial implementation on September 3, 1958 by the State Council shall be repealed on the same date. Value-Added Tax for the Chinese-foreign co-operative exploitation of offshore oil and natural gas shall be collected in kind. The tax rates and collection measures shall be separately formulated by the State Council. 2. Where the tax burden of the enterprise with foreign investment approved to be established before December 31, 1993 increases due to the imposition of Value-Added Tax, Consumption Tax, and Business Tax pursuant to Article 1 of these Resolutions, such enterprises may, upon application to and with the approval of the tax authorities, have a refund on the excess tax paid due to such increased tax burden within the approved operation period, with a maximum limit of not exceeding five years. If there is no limit on the operation period, the enterprise may, upon application to and with the approval of the tax authorities, have a refund on the excess tax paid due to such increased tax burden for a maximum of five years. The detailed measures shall be formulated by the State Council. 3. Apart from Value-Added Tax, Consumption Tax and Business Tax, the application of the other types of taxes for enterprise with foreign investment and foreign enterprises shall be implemented in accordance with the laws when there are provisions in the laws; and be implemented in accordance with the stipulations of the State Council where there are no provisions in the laws. Enterprise with foreign investment mentioned in these Resolutions means Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures, Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures and wholly foreign-owned enterprises that are established within the territory of China. Foreign enterprises mentioned in these Resolutions means foreign companies, enterprises and other economic organizations which have set up establishments or places within the territory of China to engage in production or business operations, as well as which, though have not set up any establishments or places, have income sourced within the territory of China. These Resolutions shall come into effect on the date of promulgation.